
I am a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences with a background in chemical and environmental engineering. Currently, I am working with Dr. Robert J. Allen in the department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at UC Riverside. My overarching research interest is to investigate the mechanisms that drive the large-scale circulations, aerosol interactions and their climate feedbacks using climate models.

I got my MS in Environmental Science and Engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in 2015, where my advisor was Dr. Chul "Eddy" Chung. Before that, I received my B.Sc.Engg.(chem) in Chemical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 2012.

Research Areas

Aerosol burden response to future climate perturbation

Figure 1: Global annual mean change in Sulfate aerosol burden, surface concentration and wet deposition following the RCP 8.5 warming pathway

A large inconsistency persists among studies estimating aerosol response to future warming. Continued greenhouse-gas induced warming perturbation is expected to be associated with changes in factors that control the lifetime, transport, chemistry, and the amount of natural and anthropogenic aerosols (Held and Soden, 2006; Chang et al., 2012). This is mainly caused by decreased large-scale precipitation, particularly over land, which reduces wet removal and increases aerosol burden (Allen et al., 2016).

State-of-the-art ACCMIP models (Lamarque et al., 2013) and in-house simulations show a global annual mean increase in both natural and anthropogenic aerosols under warming. An associated decrease in global annual mean total wet removal is also simulated by these models (Figure 1). Is there a robust signal in our climate system that can be linked to these responses?

Figure 2: Sulfate aerosol burden change as probability density function over the the Northern Hemispheric (NH) midlatitudes land during June, July and August (JJA). The histogram changes as a function of land-sea warming contrast (LSWC) over NH midlatitudes during JJA. The vertical line (red) follows the mean changes as a function of LSWC. The spatial map (inset) shows the surface temperature changes as a function of LSWC during JJA. Corresponding land-sea warming ratio (Φ) is shown at the top left. All responses are based on CESM CAM5 simulations.

The Land-Sea warming contrast is a robust climate signal found in both observations and climate model simulations, which is expected to enhance with continued global warming. The rapidly warming continents can hold more moisture compared to the increased moisture that is transported from the slowly warming ocean. This leads to a mean relative humidity drop over land. Most models parameterize large-scale precipitation based, in part, on a relative humidity threshold (air needs to be at saturated before precipitation can occur). To the extent that future warming drives decreases in relative humidity over land, there should also be a corresponding decrease in large-scale precipitation and wet deposition. Idealized simulations show how a deacrease in LSWC, in terms of warming ratio, can weaken the increase in aerosol burden (Figure 2).

I setup and conduct model simulations with state-of-the-art climate models—GFDL AM3 and NCAR's CAM5— to investigate future changes in aerosols and the meteorological processes, involving land-air interactions, responsible for driving the changes, focused on understanding the role of land-sea warming contrasts.

AMOC Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Reduction

Figure 1: The 1950–2020 ensemble mean annual mean CMIP6 Atlantic meridional streamfunction in depth–latitude space: zonal mean (a–c) 1950–1990 climatology, (d–f) 1950–1990 trends, (g–i) 1990–2020 trends, and (j–l) trend “shift” (1990–2020 trend minus 1950–1990 trend) for (a, d, g, j) all forcing, (b, e, h, k) anthropogenic aerosol forcing, and (c, f, i, l) GHG forcing. Symbols designate trend significance at 95 % confidence level based on a t test.

Although climate models disagree on the precise magnitude of the AMOC weakening – and differ substantially in their representation of the strength and depth of the AMOC – model simulations predict AMOC weakening in response to increasing greenhouse gases ( Gregory et al., 2005; Kostov et al., 2014). Anthropogenic aerosols may also impact the AMOC, including strengthening the AMOC and increasing the northward cross-equatorial ocean heat transport ( Menary et al., 2013). One of my current projects investigate the impact of this reduction using a multi-model approach. I use the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) models to identify the AMOC responses during different periods as a response to the changes in North Atlantic atmospheric circulation. According to the CMIP6 models, historical experiments in all forcing (aerosols + GHGs) simulations show a 1950–1990 (1990–2020) ensemble mean strengthening (weakening). AMOC variations in AA (aerosol-only) and GHG (GHG-only) simulations

suggests that anthropogenic aerosols are driving much of the responses. These AMOC variations are initiated by North Atlantic aerosol optical thickness perturbations to net surface shortwave radiation and surface temperature (i.e., sea surface density), which in turn affect the sea level pressure gradient and surface wind – and via latent and sensible heat fluxes – the sea surface density flux through its thermal component. Part of this project has been published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Recent Work

Anthropogenic aerosol forced AMOC variability in coupled climate models

AMOC is expected to weaken as a response to continued GHG warming. Anthropogenic aerosols exert a net negative radiative forcing that is about 40% as large as the positive forcing exerted by GHGs. Hence, a future reduction in anthropogenic aerosols is expected to reinforce the positive forcing exerted by the GHGs alone. In this study, we demonstrate how AMOC variations are related to changes in anthropogenic aerosols in terms of North Atlantic atmospheric circulations.

Enhanced Land-sea warming contrast (LSWC) as a robust climate signal

We investigate different hydrological perturbations related to enhanced LSWC, which will likely increase aerosol burden, resulting in reduced air quality and a larger aerosol radiative effect. We show that this is mainly caused by decreased large-scale precipitation, particularly over land, which reduces wet removal and increases aerosol burdens.

Talks, Posters & Abstracts

Hassan, T., Allen, R., Liu, W., & Randles, C. A. (2020, December). Anthropogenic aerosol forcing of the AMOC and the associated mechanisms in CMIP6 models. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.

Allen, R. J., Hassan, T., Randles, C., & Su, H. (2020, January). Enhanced land–sea warming contrast elevates aerosol pollution in a warmer world (Invited Presentation). In 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.

Hassan, T., Allen, R., Liu, W., & Randles, C. A. (2019). Future response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to anthropogenic aerosol reductions. AGUFM, 2019, A53G-01.

Hassan, T., Allen, R. (2019). The Link between atmospheric aerosols and climate dynamics. NASA/FIELDS annual meeting, UCR Alumni & Visitors Center.

Hassan, T., Allen, R., Randles, C. A., & Su, H. (2019). Elevated Aerosol Pollution Pollution in a Warmer World: The Role of the Land/Sea Warming Contrast and Enhanced Continental Aridity. NASA FIELDS site visit, UCR, 2019.

Hassan, T., Allen, R., Randles, C. A., & Su, H. (2018). Elevated Aerosol Pollution in a Warmer World: The Role of the Land/Sea Warming Contrast and Enhanced Continental Aridity. AGUFM, 2018, A51J-2286.

Amiri-Farahani, A., Hassan, T., & Allen, R. (2018). Observationally-constrained aerosol-cloud semi-direct effect in multiple GCMs. AGUFM, 2018, A43G-04.

Hassan, T., Allen, R., & Randles, C. A. (2017). An increase in aerosol burden due to the land-sea warming contrast. AGUFM, 2017, A53F-2314.

Amiri-Farahani, A., Hassan, T., & Allen, R. (2017). Climate Response of Observationally-Constrained Aerosol Radiative Effect in CAM4. AGUFM, 2017, A51G-2156.

Hassan, T., Moosmüller, H., Chung, C.E. (2016). Coefficients of an Analytical Aerosol Forcing Equation Determined with a Monte-Carlo Radiation Model, Atmospheric Optics: Aerosols, Visibility, and the Radiative Balance, A&WMA Visibility Specialty Conference: Snow King Hotel, Jackson Hole, WY, September 27, 2016-September 30, 2016.

Hassan, T., Moosmüller, H., Chung, C.E. (2015). Using Monte-Carlo Radiation Model to Determine the Coefficients of an Analytical Aerosol Forcing Equation, 15th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering (ELS) Conference: Leipzig, Germany, June 21, 2015.

Hassan, T., Moosmüller, H., Chung, C.E. (2015). Coefficients of an Analytical Aerosol Forcing Equation Determined with a Monte-Carlo Radiation Model, 34th Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research: Minneapolis, MN, October 12, 2015.

Hassan, T., Moosmüller, H., Chung, C.E. (2015). Coefficients of an Analytical Aerosol Forcing Equation Determined with a Monte-Carlo Radiation Model, 11th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere: Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2015.